Donate via your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), Charitable fund, or Foundation

  • STEP 1

    Direct checks to:

    Voter Participation Center
    1707 L Street, NW
    Suite 700
    Washington, DC 20036

    Direct wire transfers to:

    Amalgamated Bank
    275 Seventh Ave
    New York, NY 10003
    Account Name: VPC Operating
    Account Number: 81015013
    Routing Number: 026003379

  • STEP 2

    On the memo line write:

    Focus for Democracy

  • STEP 3

    Email the following info to: and

    — DAF name
    — transaction information

    Please put “Focus for Democracy” in the subject line of the email

    Voter Participation Center’s EIN (tax ID) is: 55-0889748

    Thank you for your donation!

Voter Participation Center’s EIN (tax ID) is 55-0889748, and donors can make tax-deductible contributions.

Thank you for your contribution!