Movement Labs works through a fiscal sponsor, Southern Vision Alliance (SVA), a 501(c)(3) public charity that provides fiscal sponsorship and project incubation services to innovative public interest projects. SVA’s EIN (tax ID) is 61-1639641, and donors can make tax-deductible contributions.

Thank you for your contribution!

Donate via your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), Charitable fund, or Foundation

  • STEP 1

    Direct checks to:

    Southern Vision Alliance
    PO Box 51698
    Durham, NC 27717

    If you have any questions please email Sarah Long at

  • STEP 2

    On the memo line write:

    Movement Labs/Focus for Democracy

  • STEP 3

    Email the following info to Sarah Long:
    — DAF name
    — transaction information

    SVA’s EIN: 61-1639641