Galvanize Action is a fiscally sponsored project of Sixteen Thirty Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization.

Donate via Electronic Funds Transfer (Wire or ACH)

  • STEP 1

    Direct your donation via Wire or ACH to:

    Capital One Bank
    1680 Capital One Drive - 24th Floor
    McLean, VA 22102

  • STEP 2

    Enter the following account information, as needed:

    Acct Name: Sixteen Thirty Fund
    Acct Number: #664-430019-9
    ABA Number: #065000090
    SWIFT Code: HIBKUS44

    (If payment is being sent in Euros,
    use SWIFT Code DEUTDEFF for the
    intermediary bank.)

    Account address:

    1828 L Street, NW
    Suite 300-B
    Washington, DC 20036

  • STEP 3

    Email the following info to:
    — your name
    — amount, date, and method of donation

    Please put “Galvanize Action/F4D” in the subject line of the email

    Thank you for your donation!

Contributions to Galvanize Action are not tax-deductible.

Thank you for your donation!