Donate via your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), Charitable fund, or Foundation*

  • STEP 1

    If applicable, on your DAF website, select:

    Notley Impact (EIN: 85-3304316)

    Direct checks to:
    Notley Impact (Freedom2Vote)
    1023 Springdale Rd
    Suite 1J
    Austin, Texas 78721

    Direct wire transfers to:
    Texas Partners Bank
    1900 NW Loop 410
    San Antonio, TX  78213-2330

    Beneficiary: Notley Impact (Freedom2Vote)
    Routing Number: 114025641
    Account Number: 5065883

    Contact number (if required): (512) 240-2870

  • STEP 2

    If possible, in the memo include:


  • STEP 3

    Email the following info to

    — Subject Line: Freedom2Vote Contribution
    — Donor Name
    — Gift Amount
    — Institution funds are being sent from

    Notley Impact’s EIN (tax ID) is 85-3304316.

Contributions to Notley Impact’s Freedom2Vote program are tax-deductible (EIN 85-3304316).

Thank you for your donation!