Donate via your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), Charitable fund, or Foundation
Direct your donation to:
Focus for Democracy Fund*
1200 G Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005For your records, please note that Focus for Democracy Fund’s EIN is 93-3922232.
*Please note that this is a recent address change. If your DAF does not yet have this new address on file, please email with your DAF name and contact email, and we will make sure it gets updated.
Email the following info to:
— DAF, fund, or foundation name
— transaction information
Focus for Democracy Fund’s EIN is 93-3922232. Donors can make tax-deductible contributions. These c3 donations are used only for non-partisan purposes. Focus for Democracy Fund has not provided any goods or services to you in consideration of this voluntary contribution.
Thank you for your contribution!
** If your DAF has any questions or is having trouble finding Focus for Democracy Fund in their system, please contact